For a long time I thought drinking any 'water' was enough, however, without the right components, this just flushes right through our systems without hydrating our bodies. Confused? Let me break it down... if you or someone you know has needed fluids for hydration, often they administer Normal Saline aka Salt Water. We need minerals to penetrate and truly hydrate. Lets take it a step further.... we also need living water, as our living bodies are made up of +60% of water. Sadly, most bottled (especially plastic bottles), tap and filtered waters contain significant contaminants and acidity (even if it states its alkaline). Long story short, these waters are super harmful. Don't stress, I have done a deep dive into our drinking water and found the solution! This incredible water machine is 45 years young and connects straight to the faucet. This water is produced by electroylzing the water! Yes, super powerful for our bodies & just delicious! Don't believe me? Reach out and I will send you some water to enjoy!! Drink up my friends!
Link to purchase your own healing water machine!